$26,000.00 Per W2 Employee

You can use this free eligibility assessment and funding estimator to determine if you qualify for ERC, and how much you can claim, even if you were previously disqualified for receiving Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans.

It’s easy, just visit https://get26k.com and answer a few quick questions.

The ERC eligibility and application services can help you claim up to $26,000 per employee in rebates from the IRS, which are not a loan, never require repayment, and have no restrictions on how they can be spent. The program is open to any employer that had between 5 and 500 W-2 employees on the payroll during the recent pandemic.

To qualify, your business must have been affected by the pandemic in some way. While individual results will vary, many employers have shown this through financial losses, temporary closures, limited indoor capacity, remote working limitations, or supply chain shortages. A complete list of potential effects that can help your business qualify can be found on the LP Consulting ERC website.

The eligibility test is available totally free and with no obligation – and it only requires the answers to 10 simple questions. After completing the assessment, you will receive an estimate of the funding you have available, and a link to LP Consulting’s ERC specialist CPA firm partner, which offers a 15 Minute Refund application service that is not available anywhere else.

The application guarantees every employer their maximum allowable rebate, with no risk or up-front fees. Any company may apply, and your business will not be charged until after it has received a rebate from the IRS. Any business that does not qualify, or does not receive a rebate, will not be charged at all – it’s that simple.

Just about anyone can qualify, including startups, new businesses founded during the pandemic, and non-profit organizations. With no upper limit on funding, the program has helped some employers to claim as much as $2 million, though the average small business rebate is closer to $150,000.

So how much can you claim? Do you know yet?

It’s easy enough to find out, just don’t take too long or you might miss your chance.

Visit https://get26k.com to take the free eligibility test and claim your rebate.

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