Are you a small business owner who thinks they missed out on the opportunity to receive free money through the 2020 Employee Retention Tax Credit? Anguish no longer! LP Consulting LLC shows how you can still cash in on this unprecedented stimulus. You can find more details on this tax credit by going to… Continue reading IT’S NOT TO LATE !!!

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Pandemic Relief Fund

When the pandemic started affecting businesses in 2020, the federal government created several pandemic relief fund programs. Though it is too late now to apply for a loan through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), employers can still claim rebates through the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) program, using the fast rebate service launched by LP Consulting.… Continue reading Pandemic Relief Fund

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You know the old saying, “Time is Money,” if you run a business, you probably hear it at least once a week – or say it yourself. It’s such a common cliche because, in many ways, it’s true – but it doesn’t answer the crucial question… How much money are we talking about? And how… Continue reading TIME IS MONEY

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$26,000.00 Per W2 Employee

You can use this free eligibility assessment and funding estimator to determine if you qualify for ERC, and how much you can claim, even if you were previously disqualified for receiving Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans. It’s easy, just visit and answer a few quick questions. The ERC eligibility and application services can help… Continue reading $26,000.00 Per W2 Employee

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Government Made A Big Change

In early 2022, the federal government quietly made a big change to the pandemic relief programs created in the CARES Act, allowing businesses to enroll in both relief programs, instead of just one. Unfortunately, small business owners are missing out on hundreds of thousands of dollars in practically free money because they don’t know they’re… Continue reading Government Made A Big Change

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